2024: 13(01)


Inner Cover (Indexing), Contents 2024 13(01)

Yağız, G., Arslan, Ç., Tapan-Broutin, M. S.

Examination of Seventh Grade Students' Process of Finding the Pattern Rule According to The RBC+C Model

Research Article 1-11

Çırak, C.

Balance in Traditional Turkish Music Usuls

Research Article 12-27

Çelik, S., Çırak, C.

Usul As a Musical Idea: The Case of The Usul "Zencir"

Research Article 28-41

Toprak, T., Toprak, İ., Toprak, E., Yıldırım, E.

Equal Opportunity and Multiculturalism in Education:The Role and Importance of the Mixed Education Approach

Research Article 42-53

Toprak, T., Toprak, İ., Toprak, E., Yıldırım, E.

Multicultural Education from an International Perspective: Examining Practices in Different Countries

Research Article 54-66

Ataş, Z.

The Inscriptions and Ornaments on The Metal Bracelets of The Selatin Mosques in Istanbul

Research Article 67-85

Berber, L., Gergin, A., Berger, M., Konuşkan, A.  

Training on Computer-Aided Three Dimensional Shaping and Realization

 Research Article 110-122

Akpınar, H., Bayar, A.

Problems Face by Educators in Schools Without Psychological Counselors and Guidance Teachers and Solutions

Research Article 123-137

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